Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Walk Now for Autism

As some of you may already know, our son Zachary Ryan (29 months), was recently diagnosed with autism. The diagnosis doesn't come as a surprise, Zac has been in therapy four times a week for the last six months.

With the official diagnosis we have decided to do what we can to become involved and Erin has volunteered to be a team captain for the Walk Now For Autism event at Soldier Field in Chicago on May 17th. Erin and I, along with other members of her family will be participating and if anyone is interested in supporting the cause you can follow the link below:

Zac has made some significant improvements in the last six months and we are very excited to see how much he can improve as we continue with his therapy. We feel very blessed to have some great resources here in the community as well as wonderful friends and family.

We love and miss you!

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