Monday, October 22, 2007

Syrett Sisters!!

We are excited to announce the arrival of Avery and Presley Syrett. The girls were born October 19th and doing great. Avery was 6 lbs and Presley was 4 lbs 12 oz. Renae and Aaron are thrilled to finally have their little girls here and are planning on being able to leave the hospital on Monday or Tuesday. Caleb is wondering what he is going to do with two little little sisters!!


Laurie said...

They are so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Thankyou so much Amberly for posting that picture. It was so fun to see those beautiful babies. We are hoping to see Sarah's baby Alex. Trudy

Heidi said...

OH MY GOSH!!! they are so adorable and precious!

Leanne said...

unbelieveable!!! I was hopeing we'd get to see them. Congratulations Renae, they are incredible. I miss being able to see Renae, Erin, and Amberly, do you guys have a family blog??? Hope all goes well these next few weeks. I will definately be thinking of you during night time feedings.

Kim Reese said...

Renae how sweet they look I love their hats, Congratulations I am so happy for you. Little girls are so different than boys. Would everyone agree?
Heidi thanks for the kick in the pants!