We got to celebrate Dad's 91st. birthday. It was a wonderful dinner of course in remembrance of St. Patricks day. Corned beef and cabbage. A beautifully decorated table and the knitted dish cloths from mother for each of us. In one of Dad's journal entries he says, "A Mother who takes such an interest in her children (talking about mom) she just finished personal history books for Jerry, Ed and Bob.) is rare indeed!! We are a blessed family to have the wife and mother we have. And we are blessed to have the Father we have. Another journal entry on August 1977 says " Jogged a mile this morning w/Wanda. She can almost keep up w/me. Dad did exercise, kept a journal, read the scriptures and had family and personal prayer. He served in the church and has stayed true to the covenants he made at baptism. He truly is an example to us all. He has lived a great life to which we all should emulate and be grateful for.